Back to the Classics 2018 wrap-up! OMG!

WOW… 2018 is coming to an end and this is my wrap-up post for the Back to Classics 2018 challenge.

This was my favorite challenge of the year and I’m planning to join for the next of course. I read (and re-read) so many amazing books. Thank you so, so much for this, Karen. I believe this is the most important book challenge around. We’re flooded with so many books each year, the bookstagram is always the same… Back to the Classics helps us diversify and take back all those books that inform our culture, that made us who we are. And that is priceless.

These are the books I read with their corresponding review:

  1. A 19thcentury classic: Oblomov (1859), by Ivan Goncharov.
  2. A 20thcentury classic: The Martian Chronicles (1950), by Ray Bradbury.
  3. A classic by a woman author: The Haunting of Hill House (1959), by Shirley Jackson.
  4. A classic in translation: Emma (1815), by Jane Austen, translated into Spanish by Sergio Pitol.
  5. A children’s classic: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865), by Lewis Carroll.
  6. A classic crime story, fiction or non-fiction: the Sherlock Holmes Canon (1887 – 1927), by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
  7. A classic travel or journey narrative, fiction or non-fiction: Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863), by Jules Verne.
  8. A classic with a single-word title: Middlemarch (1871-1872), by George Eliot.
  9. A classic with a color in the title: White Nights (1848), by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
  10. A classic by an author that’s new to you: The Dangerous Age (1910), by Karin Michaëlis.
  11. A classic that scares you: Moby Dick (1851), by Herman Melville.
  12. Re-read a favorite classic: Novela como nube (Novel as cloud, 1928), by Gilberto Owen.

8 male/4 female (I’ll correct that in 2019!)


I can’t wait for next year! 🙂

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